United Methodist Church Anna
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.

Community Activities

Loaves and Fishes 

Warming your Heart and Soul with Fellowship. 

Tuesday, August 16th 

This month we will be distributing a grocery bag for the community from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. 


Thank you to everyone who works, donates, prays and attends.

We could not do this ministry without you!

Come and join us for prayer at the United Methodist Church.  The Prayer Group will meet at 4:00 PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.  
Please leave prayer requests in the church office.  
Jesus offers himself to us as: 
Our Rock 
Our Safety
Our Sure Foundation
A Day of Friendship and Sewing  
If you can knit or crochet, would you like to become a participant in a Prayer Shawl Ministry? It would involve 2-3 skeins of homespun yarn, needles, and some of your time. If you don’t knit or crochet and would like to learn, there will be help available. Or, if you have a sewing project you want to work on bring that, and a sewing machine with you. If you are staying the whole day, bring a sack lunch.     
 The group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month in the Family Life Center.  
Come to the church on Thursday, 
between 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. You may bring a friend and 
come for whatever times your schedule allows. 
Call Sue Ann Zimmerman, at 833-1931 if you have specific questions or plan on being there.

     Our Friendship and Sewing group and Happy Scrappers groups have merged into one group.  We both meet at the same time and share crafting know how and laughter aplenty.  Join us when you can and bring your current craft with you.  We look forward to seeing you on the 4th Thursday of the month.